The Bioficers—ancient, corrupted artificial intelligences—have observed mankind’s aptitude for cataclysmic violence, and it pleases them. Biology is their clay. They can vaporise it, ingest it, and shape it. Their bio-drones are woven in minutes, built for specific tasks as needed, and might be any shape that nightmares can conjure.
On the morning of February 7th, Earth Eastern Standard, the 339th Taskforce UCMF, Battlefleet Eden, began a routine anti-piracy interdiction patrol near Eden Prime’s main jump point. At 09:00hrs, the flagship’s long-range scanners detected multiple blips approaching at beyond relativistic speeds. By 13:00hrs, the entire taskforce, including nine capital ships, was wreckage.
Bioficer ships are uniquely advanced, focused, and utterly lethal. They have no grand strategy and no goal besides reveling in war and the slow suffering of capable prey. They are a factor apart and might be the greatest threat sentient life has ever faced. Unlike the fleets of mankind and the alien races previously encountered, Bioficers utilize a number of deployable 'cells' in battle. These unique assets each serve a unique purpose with Bioficer ships required to provide thrust for their movement. Thus far UCM and PHR fleets have successfully repelled smaller skirmishes yet a large-scale battle has yet to take place.
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